Brook Chalmers' Profile
bottles donated:2
regular ratings:2
total ratings:2
average rating:28.50
median rating:29
Bottle Donations
# Whisky Date
2 Tomatin "Batch #1", 25 yo. (d: 1988) 01/22/18
1 Lost Distillery Co "Stratheden", (b: 2013) 01/22/18
Regular Charts
By Total Rating (Regular)
# Country Whisky rating ratings
1 Scotch Glen Elgin "SMWS 85.29 - Best of the Med", 15 yo. (d: 1999) 29.00 1
2 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", (b: 2017) 28.00 1
By Nose (Regular)
# Country Whisky nose ratings
1 Scotch Glen Elgin "SWMS 85.29", 15 yo. 7.00 1
2 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", 6.00 1
By Taste (Regular)
# Country Whisky taste ratings
1 Scotch Glen Elgin "SWMS 85.29", 15 yo. 8.00 1
2 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", 7.00 1
By Finish (Regular)
# Country Whisky finish ratings
1 Scotch Glen Elgin "SWMS 85.29", 15 yo. 7.00 1
2 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", 7.00 1
By Balance (Regular)
# Country Whisky balance ratings
1 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", 8.00 1
2 Scotch Glen Elgin "SWMS 85.29", 15 yo. 7.00 1
Combined Charts
By Total Rating (Combined)
# Country Whisky rating ratings
1 Scotch Glen Elgin "SMWS 85.29 - Best of the Med", 15 yo. (d: 1999) 29.00 1
2 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", (b: 2017) 28.00 1
By Nose (Combined)
# Country Whisky nose ratings
1 Scotch Glen Elgin "SWMS 85.29", 15 yo. 7.00 1
2 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", 6.00 1
By Taste (Combined)
# Country Whisky taste ratings
1 Scotch Glen Elgin "SWMS 85.29", 15 yo. 8.00 1
2 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", 7.00 1
By Finish (Combined)
# Country Whisky finish ratings
1 Scotch Glen Elgin "SWMS 85.29", 15 yo. 7.00 1
2 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", 7.00 1
By Balance (Combined)
# Country Whisky balance ratings
1 American UBWS "Devil's Share 2017", 8.00 1
2 Scotch Glen Elgin "SWMS 85.29", 15 yo. 7.00 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "member_profile.cgi", line 109, in
printMemberGraphs(whiskies, members, member_id)
File "../python/ubws/", line 1237, in printMemberGraphs
File "../python/ubws/", line 1998, in printPriceValueRatingsGraph
nV = 1.0 - (v-minV)/(maxV-minV)
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero